Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Gossip for Breakfast

Part of: Fugly , Gossip , Hollywood , Mischa Barton , Television

Does anyone care about Mischa Barton? I haven't even seen her in a film. Maybe an indie video store would carry her work. A DUI kills your film career unless you are a movie star, because it costs much more to insure an actor--that is, if they even are still insurable. I think Mischa should go back to TV, don't you? Ironically, a new BAT source named Gossip Guy sent me some updated info on Mischa's Gossip Girl status.

A few blogs reported on Friday that Mischa turned down a role on Gossip Girl. However, my sources close to the show say she never formally turned down the role. Mike Ausiello reported today that "For publicity ... Barton's peeps -- desperate to get their client's name in a headline that didn't include the letters "DUI" -- likely leaked the Gossip offer to remind the public of what an in-demand actress she is." I can tell you that this is absolutely true, as her announcement caught the show's EP's completely by surprise. Mischa has a history of this behavior with her former O.C. boss; two years ago she slipped and told a reporter that Marissa was going to die before the episode aired. Thank God she's not going to be on the show--no spoilers!

[Image via Source]


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