Breakfast At Tiffany's




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A Hot Mess in Paris

Part of: Fashion , Fugly , Music , Trick Or Treat

[Breakfast: ricotta cheese with pumpkin butter & white/green tea]


This picture of Fergie wearing shorts in Paris reminded me of when I was last in Paris. I was shocked that all of the women and girls wearing short shorts had their legs covered in tights or stockings. No one was trying to look slutty like in LA! Another reason to love Paris. Of course Fergie looks like she's trying too hard (or her stylist is). There is too much going on here. I know she's a musician and all, but with the hair, glasses, red lipstick, huge purse and long earrings, the look is OTT. If only she had done some editing before she stepped out, sigh.

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Definitely OTT. She would've been better to have picked pieces of the look to mix with her normal personality vs. going "all out" on the idea.

the shorts-leggings combo is a great idea for when you want to wear shorts when it's cold out!!!


She looks like a dotty old bag lady

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