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Free Krispy Kreme

Part of: Food , LA

Krispy Kreme opened a store on Wilshire Blvd. and Euclid today in Santa Monica. They are giving away one free glazed donut per customer. I know they close at 10 p.m.

Edit: Honestly, I had to get my mail, but I was so excited for Krispy Kreme, that I went straight there, got my free donut and a chocolate one. Then, I carried them on the tray to the post office, a few stores down. I presented my homeless buddy (outside the PO) with the two options (he chose the chocolate donut and smiled his adorable toothy grin). I got my mail and went back to KK. Yummmmmmm.....Later, on my walk, I considered trying to get another free donut, but didn't.


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