Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Not a Hollywood Player?

Part of: Hollywood


Breakfast: mini-baguette with butter and Bonne Maman strawberry jam

Previously on B.A.T.'s:

There’s a new "guy" (or "gay guy" and "straight girl") magazine** that I can’t remember the dumb name of, but its first issue has pictures of hot guys in it. There’s a layout of some William Morris agents and trainees. A lot of them are good looking, but who is Jason Trawick? I’m sure he’s a player, but he’s so damn cute.

**I found out: VITALS- The New Men's Magazine About Life's Great Necessities. Matt Damon is on the cover.

William Morris agent, Jason Trawick, writes B.A.T:

"Thanks for the compliment...but I'm not a player..."

B.A.T writes Jason:

"What does'...' mean?"

Go out and buy Vitals. Jason is definitely the hottest guy in the photo spread, and he's the only one looking at the camera. Perhaps he used to be a model? I wonder if he's a lit agent? (My lit manager is smirking while reading this.)

P.S. Celeb gossip still to come...

P.P.S. Previous Hollywood Player here


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Jason Trawick, do you remember a trip to South Padre, TX when you were in college?

Ryan R

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