Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Rachael: Live and Uncensored

Part of: Food , LA

[Breakfast: turkey bacon and scrambled eggs]

Rachael, my old friend and fabulous chef, writers on on her blog:

West Los Angeles Farmers Market

Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY! Yes, I know, this is a shameless plug…but since I am sincerely excited about my Cooking Demonstration at the Los Angeles Farmers Market, THIS SUNDAY at 11:00 am, I feel like shouting it from the rooftops. It is going to be great fun, an extraordinarily gorgeous day, and I will be making a few recipes using local, organically farmed ingredients. Plus, if you have never taken one of my classes, it will be a great peek into my silliness/utter passion for all things culinary. I really do hope (if you live in the area) you will come down, ask questions, watch the demo, hear some great live music, buy some of the amazing produce that is the bounty of SoCal, and have a sensational day. I look forward to seeing you!

This will definitely be worth attending.


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