Breakfast At Tiffany's




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« Tiffany's European Vacation- Part 2 | Home | Bondage Bound »

Tiffany's European Vacation- Part 3

Part of: Food , Travel

[Breakfast: croissant and a cafe au lait]

I had never been to London before. What I really wanted to know was if it was true that there weren’t many attractive English women and that most English people have bad teeth.

On our first day, DK and I dined at a restaurant in Soho for brunch. DK had promised that I wouldn’t be able to find eggs after 11am because there was no such thing as brunch in London. (I could never live in a city that didn’t have brunch.) To add further insult to injury, the waiter mistook DK for an American. DK wasn’t too perturbed though, because the waiter was Eastern European and we couldn’t understand him either.

As in Paris, people find it odd to order coffee before or during a meal. We ordered two lattes anyway. DK watched me eat an entire breakfast burrito and said he was betting on whether I’d eat all of it. (Usually I eat only half of my meals and take the leftovers to go.) I further bruised DK’s ego when I stated that it tasted just like a breakfast burrito in the States—hahahah!

DK ate a typical English breakfast—gag—of eggs, funky bacon, sausage, and a fried tomato. Could someone please explain why bacon in England is so nasty? It’s all fatty and oversized...TBC

Meanwhile go here for pretty pictures:

Dan Renzi has a new photo with his blondie-blonde hair (I prefer his hair dirty-blonde), and there are first time photos of blogger hotties Ginger and Candy. (What is it with blogger girls and their pet photos?)

Jill Soloway has hot photos here, but promises there are some really unflattering pictures here. Come on, Jill, just admit that you're hot already!


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