Annoying Things That Happened Yesterday
Part of: Food , LA , Random , Television[Breakfast: cheesecake and a Mimosa]
1. I got that flu that’s going around (it sucks)
2. DK went to Groundwork coffee on Main Street to pick me up a latte and tofu muffin. There weren’t any tofu muffins left, but plenty of the regular ones. DK bought me a bagel. It was stale.
3. All I wanted for dinner was chicken soup with Matzo balls from Broadway Deli. They were out of chicken soup (what deli runs out of chicken soup?) and they completely messed up our to-go order. The worst offense was DK’s Caesar salad that came with no dressing.
4. I watched Arrested Development and wanted to cry. My favorite old show is trying to be more mainstream and has become b-o-r-i-n-g. Their worst offense was trading in their quirky next show sneak peeks that had nothing to do with the next episode for real next show sneak peeks—that says it all.
5. Oscar winner Charlize Theron guest starred on Arrested Development. This in itself was not annoying. What killed me was that her British accent was literally the worst I’ve ever heard. I’m praying that next week’s episode will reveal that her character is American and only pretending to have an accent.
6. Someone told me some really juicy gossip, but made me promise that I wouldn’t repeat it. (This actually happens quite often)
7. The kitten threw up on my new suede jacket
8. DK accidentally threw away the registration number for my Final Draft program
Blog Post Du Jour: Rachael comes out of the pantry.