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Wynn in Vegas- Part 1

Part of: Food , Travel

[Breakfast: mini-baguette with butter and Bonne Maman blueberry and apricot jam]

The Wynn, Las Vegas is the place to be. DK and I immediately warmed up to the hotel when we accidentally arrived at the VIP valet and realized that where we were staying--the Tower Suites--were part of the VIP section, and that we didn’t have to traipse through the whole hotel to get to our room. Paying the extra money for a Tower Suite Room was worth that alone.

Once in the hotel room, we were practically blinded by the spectacular view of the golf course. We had tried to get a strip view, but this wasn’t too shabby. The hotel is still going through it’s teething stages: A lamp by the bed wasn’t working, toilet paper was missing and the room service menu wasn’t there, but with one call to housekeeping, all of these problems were promptly resolved. The set up of the room was nice, and we especially loved the bathtub with its modern spout and ability to comfortably fit two. (Bubble Bath sex is always a must). The in-room robes were more comfortable than usual. They had soft cotton on the inside and silky polyester on the outside, unlike the standard terry cloth or cotton waffle hotel robes.

We hadn’t called ahead for restaurant reservations, so we dined at Red 8-- which was like a second away. I usually don’t like certain Asian food because of the grease factor, but this food was yummy and the tropical drinks weren’t bad either. I tried very hard to kill the germs of my cold/flu thing that was brewing.

Note: Staying at a hotel in Vegas that has good restaurants is very important, because who wants to mix with the crowds of tourists 24/7--not DK and I.

The first three days of our stay we didn’t venture from the hotel. I had been feeling ill, but couldn’t believe that I wasn’t getting hotel claustrophobic like I usually do. The room and hotel felt surprisingly relaxing and comfortable—a feeling I’ve never experienced in Las Vegas. Later I found out that the whole hotel and golf course were feng shuid--which works for real.

My favorite meal is breakfast and brunch, (duh!) so I was very happy that almost all of the hotel restaurants served breakfast. The hotel’s Champagne (or Bloody Mary) brunch buffet was great. Check out the crab at the omelette bar, my favorite. I also liked the bread pudding for dessert--by far the tastiest of the desserts there. DK loved the shrimp and sushi. But if we hadn't been able to jump the lines, waiting would've been annoying. It was also fun trying to figure out if a doughy Mid-Western twentysomething had brought his hooker date from the night before to the buffet for a romantic breakfast. Hooker boots and a short tight dress always gives away those working girls.

DK and I made a rule for the rest of the trip: Whenever we’d spot a working girl, we had to immediately get a round of drinks. Since I was ill, I mostly drank Bellinis. I love a good Bellini.

One morning we actually made the 10:30 am breakfast cut off at Tableau (which was by the elevators to our room). The food was exquisite. I asked the waiter what the people across from us were eating. He said it was Eggs Benedict and that it wasn't on the menu, but I could order it if I wanted. Now that's a dreamy restaurant.

Note: That morning I had Mimosas, because I really needed some vitamin C to boost my early morning

TBC...Wynn in Vegas- Part 2


Welcome Back to L.A.
Vegas Break
Dirty Vegas


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