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« Male Ideal Valentines | Home | Stoned! Angelina Jolie »


Part of: Gossip , Kate Moss , Music , Sienna Miller , Stoned!

--The rough cut of Basic Instinct 2 was too tame for Sharon Stone, who insisted on making the sex scenes kinkier and the language raunchier. Stone wants to go out with a real titty, titty, bang, bang.
[The Sun]

--Coldplay have announced that they’re taking a break for a couple of years because everyone is bored with them including themselves. I hate when musicians say things like that. They really just want to have a life and spend some of their millions and not be around screaming fans and annoying music industry people. [Digital Spy]

--Sienna Miller wants to save the world by changing paparazzi laws in Britain. All cute and cuddly starlets with borderline talent and movie star ex’s/boyfriends should unite with Miller to stop their careers before they’ve started. [Female First]

--British rocker and notorious partier Pete Doherty is in serious denial. He still claims to be dating Kate Moss. The drugs don’t work, dude. [Ananova]

--All women need is love to stay thin. But only the quality kind, not the I-love-you-because-you-treat-me-so-badly kind. That’s a lie. Even when we’re in love, engaged, married, pregnant, post-pregnancy and years into our marriage our weight completely yo-yo’s. And they needed to do a study to reveal that? [Female First]

--Madonna's 47-year-old body has finally started breaking down. It's currently recovering from a hernia operation that resulted from her Granny performance or doing this. [UPI]

--Las Vegas The Mafia want gangster rappers to stay out of their casinos and nightclubs because they're too violent--especially 50 Cent. The Disneyification of Las Vegas has begun. [The Movable Buffet]


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