Stoned! Giuliana Depandi
Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Stoned! , Television

Oscar for Best Red Carpet Rendezvous: George Clooney and E!'s Giuliana Depandi
Giuliana kissed George on the cheek while congratulating him on his Oscar win!!
It took me a couple of award shows to warm up to E!'s Giuliana Depandi. I used to think that she was annoyingly crazy in her fanatical gushing over "The Piv" (Jeremy Piven) and George Clooney. But during the Golden Globes I developed a soft spot for Giuliana. Why was Debbie Matenopoulos allowed to hang out with Ryan Seacrest, but poor Giuliana delegated to the red carpet with much less camera time? To say there was tension between the two hosts is an understatement. I wanted for Giuliana to end her catfight with Debbie by pushing her into the crowd, taking her rightful throne, and having Ryan Seacrest crown her The Queen of E! News Anchors.
Giuliana was a trooper at this year's Oscars and very cute in her awe of meeting such lumineries as Steven Spielberg. I really think that George Clooney should ask her out. If former E! anchor Jules Asner can marry Steven Soderbergh, then Giuliana has a chance with George. George is a tad hotter than Steven, though. My only real concern is that since George is a player, Giuliana probably shouldn't be chasing him. (She needs to re-read The Rules.) There were still some wacky Giulianamoments during the Oscar's broadcast; for example:
Giuliana Depandi: "Do you know how much publicists get paid a month? $2,500 to $3,000!!!!"
Ryan Seacrest: "That's cheap!!"
Clearly Giuliana doesn't have a publicist as she thinks $2,500 a month is too expensive. Darling, listen to Ryan...that is definitely not the fee for an A-lister.
Ugh! sweaty arm pits!! check out this pic of Giuliana while she was doing the Adam Carolla show. maybe Adam got her all riled up!!
Posted by: anon | January 11, 2007 09:24 AM