Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Why you Should fly British Airways

Part of: Food , Travel

You must fly British Airways business class for the yummy cinnamon raisin scones and Cornish clotted cream. Sure, the business class flight that DK and I took from Cannes to London was a lot of money for tea--way more than the pricey $70 a head tea at The Ritz in London--but the scones are some of the best I've ever had and the flight attendents were all, take as many as you like. (They're much better than those warm cookies that they give you on other airlines in first and business class.) BTW, I wanted another two scones, but restrained myself. The tea sandwiches were OK--one was tuna with corn. I don't need corn with my tuna, thanks. And the other one was egg salad. They also gave us a chocolate eclair donut, but it wasn't very tasty. I did enjoy my tea and my champagne immensely. However, I didn't have a chance to find out if Kirsten Dunst ate any of her scones or whether she was going to the bathroom to throw them up.

Related Entries:

Postcard from Cannes-- Part Two
First Class to NYC from LA-- Part One
First Class to LA from NYC-- Part Two


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