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Wesley Snipes AKA...

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood

Remember Wesley Snipes in Blade? Good, because you'll never see him in another blockbuster again. I predict that Snipes will never return to North America. Right this second he's kicking back on the beach with a margarita in the country of his choice or perhaps shagging some hot chick. Let's hope that he was smarter in creating a new identity this time. Last time he tried to get into South Africa with a forged South African passport and was labeled as an "undesirable person" and kicked back to the US.

Wesley Snipes and his accountants, Eddie Ray Kahn and Douglas P. Rosile, defrauded the IRS of approximatley $12 million dollars. They are charged with six counts of failure to file taxes. Snipes faces a maximum of five years in jail for each conspiracy charge and up to a year on each failure to file charge. There's now a warrant for his arrest. Douglas P. Roslie has already turned himself in and Eddie Ray Kahn is thought to be in Panama starting a new life. Hmm...sounds like a movie.

[Source 1, 2]


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Ah, what a pisser. Always enjoyed his movies...

I think you left out an "allegedly!" ("Charged" means not yet tried, yes?)

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