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Ashley Olsen: 20 Going on 35

Part of: Fashion , Gossip , LA , The Olsens
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I had a really hard time trying to figure out what age Ashley Olsen most emulates. Like her crocodile tote should be worn by women over 50, the same goes for her fur wrap. Her vintage inspired outfit below with the red heels and animal print jacket could work if it was more fitted and the skirt was shorter. It's another hipster Grandma outfit. All of the outfits above look perfect for a thirtysomething woman. Obviously, Ashley wants be perceived as older and more sophisticated than her age. She has an empire while most girls her age are in college. I get it, but can't Ashley dress a little bit younger?

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I think she looks hott! Of course, I'm a guy and what guy wouldn't think Ashley Olsen is hott? She does seem a little down in almost every pic of her in 2006, so maybe 2007 will be a better year for her.

I like Ashley Olsen & Mary-Kate but anyway i like Ashley fur rap i think it looks girlie it looks very comfortable & cossy i a massive fan of ashley & Mary-kates there so cool!!!
ang i would not wear that that but aAshle Olsen likes it so its up to her what she wears!!!!
Bye Luv Anna -x-x-x-

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