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TIFF "In Style" Giveaway

Part of: Hollywood , Sparkly , Travel

I know some of you wish that you could have gone to the Toronto Film Festival. I know this isn't as good as going, but I've decided to give away the contents from my In Style Magazine gift bag to one lucky reader. The contest ends Monday, October 6 @ 9 pm PST. All you have to do is leave a comment here or email me: with "TIFF GIveaway" as the subject. Good luck!


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YEA! What fun!

I DO wish I could have gone...

That would be fantastic!

Gift Bag?!?!? Has Christmas come early?

I love your blog because when I read your accounts of the various places you go and the people you see it makes me feel like I am there too. You are a very good writer and I really enjoy your blog.

And of course i wish I could have attended the film festival!


This is so sweet of you! I wish I could have been there!

wow...sounds like such a good prize

So nice of you! I love Toronto; thanks for your comments on the festival.

I just love your shopping tips! I went out and bought the GAP hoodie and use in when I'm travelling too.

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