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Suri Doll

Part of: Hollywood , TomKat

[Breakfast: leftover piece of Vito's vegetarian pizza]


I don't know. I have a feeling that Suri is going to act like a spoiled brat when she grows up. I mean, do you think that Tom Cruise's adopted children had customized dolls? You know that Katie was getiing her hair colored one day and Suri insisted that her doll get a dye job. On second thought, her nanny probably did it since the color is way too dark to be flattering.


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I feel horrible saying this- because she's a baby- but I've often thought the same thing. It's not so much the doll, but the expensive dresses/shoes that she wears everyday (to play at the park for goodness sakes). I think they give her everything, and money is no object, so everything isn't a doll for $9.99 at Target- it's a doll for $300.00 at Neiman's. I feel sorry for her.

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