Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Breakfast in Bed

Part of: Slice of Life

Breakfast: half a toasted pumpkin muffin from II Fornaio (via Whole Foods) with cream cheese.

Yesterday I went to my local health food store in need of comfort foods. I craved coffee ice-cream. I was going to go to Ralph’s so I could definitely get my favorite coffee ice-cream by Haagen Daaz, but the strikers were out, and I didn’t feel right crossing their line.

Just the other night my mom had said, “The strike is so ridiculous. It just makes the consumers pay more. Soon the supermarkets will be put out of business.”

Fine with me---I would be okay if only farmer markets, health food and specialty stores existed. People love Cosco, Trader Joe’s and (?) Smart and Final.

I don’t know what I think about the strike. I really haven’t researched the cause. I don’t know much about unions. I have never been part of a union or known anyone else who has been. I don’t like to make rash judgments about things I know nothing about.

Thus, I supported the underdogs. I sighed after turning around, because I had gone out of my way to go to Ralph’s and now had to backtrack. Luckily it was another sunny Cali day. I didn’t need to ruminate about the fog.

The only coffee ice-cream at the health store was by Double Rainbow. I couldn’t remember if I liked DR—probably not a good sign. I could leave and go to 7-11, but the ice-cream would be overpriced, and I’d rather support my local store. In line, I craned my neck to check out the crackers. Now the idea of eating something crunchy got into my head. But my checker, the cute blonde boy with dreads, was already putting my items through. I decided I didn’t want to risk quickly grabbing a box of nasty “too healthy” crackers.

Driving home, I decided to stop by 7-11 anyway and pick up some chips. I didn’t want to get anything too greasy.

At home, I got a large spoon and dug into the ice-cream. There was something wrong. It tasted gritty. I got another spoon—the same thing happened. I washed the spoon again. No luck. Maybe my spoons were messed up? I stuck my finger in the ice-cream and licked it. Yuck, it was still grainy. I was very disappointed.

(I still need to take the ice-cream back. I have no idea what is wrong with it.)

Next I dug into my French Onion, Sun Chips. They didn’t taste that great. Later I felt ill and realized it was good I didn’t get good ice-cream. My stomach still isn’t ready for rich food. I would have definitely gotten sick. I will have to go buy some yummy sorbet.


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