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Part of: Brangelina , Britney , Gossip , Keira Knightley , Stoned! , TomKat

--Brad Pitt is allegedly following Angelina Jolie's lead and becoming a UN Goodwill Ambassador. I finally realized why we’re all so obsessed with Brangelina. They’re like the American Royal Family! Even if we saw pictures of Angelina in a fit of morning sickness, we’d still say how beautiful she is. We are all so whipped, it’s sad. [Page Six]

--Apparently Tom Cruise and The Scientologists don’t have complete control over Katie Holmes’ body. They were not responsible for the absence of Katie Holmes’ sex scene from a Sundance screening of "Thank you for not Smoking". The projectionist left it out by accident. [My Way]

--Surprisingly, I’m liking Mariah Carey more and more these days. (She always seemed kind of ditzy to me, but I think it had to do with her fashion sense.) Her views on children are very thoughtful. ‘I still don't know if I want to have children. If that's in the cards for me . . . it's not if I 'want' to have children. I feel like being a celebrity and having kids is a huge responsibility.’ [Liz Smith]

--I wish people would just let George Michael be. How lame was that motorist who tattled on George for hanging out in his parked car? I’m sure he wasn’t lying slumped in a serial killer van. Also, I don’t need to know that he keeps kinky sex toys in the car like gimp masks: TMI. [UPI]

--Britney Spears spent part of Mardi Gras with some students in New Orleans who had been affected by Hurrican Katrina. It’s good to know that Britney still has the good judgement to do (not so) random acts of kindness. [My Way]

--Keira Knightley feels like a pretty poodle being trotted out for the judges at award shows. At least no one’s ever called her an ugly bitch. To forget about the Pretty Dog awards aka The Oscars, Knightley has been frolicking on the beaches of Barbados with her "Pride & Prejudice" co-star Rupert Friend. [Female First]


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