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My Favorite Easter Candy

Part of: Food

Easter chocolates are my favorite. I used to hoard Cadbury Creme Eggs and then freeze them after the holiday. I can't eat them anymore. Now my faves are See's Candies Dark Chocolate Foil Eggs, Egg Quartet, their Chocolate Foil Bunnies and Peanut Butter Eggs. See's Chocolate Butter Eggs are great for chocoholics. I've also been obsessed with Cadbury's Mini Eggs for years. I tried to find the snack-sized bags so I wouldn't OD, but had no such luck. I went over to Tudor House in Santa Monica and got some British chocolates this year. Nestle makes Smarties and Milkybar Mini Eggs. The Smarties Mini Eggs have a slight orange flavor, though it's not listed as an ingredient. I love orange and chocolate. What makes most of these Easter chocolates different from other chocolates is their texture.


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i absolutely LOVE thos cadbury mini-eggs. they are the devil! walgreen's here in tx has the snack-size bag.

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