Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Part of: Cameron Diaz , Jessica Alba , Kate Moss , Stoned!

--Eminem must really romanticize marriage. Why else would he marry Kim Mathers again and divorce her less then 3 months later? I’m sure they’ll start dating again in another 3 months. [USA Today]

--Cameron Diaz won the lawsuit against that sleazy photographer, John Rutter, who was trying to sell topless pictures of her. Now he’s serving four years in jail. [Digital Spy]

--Playboy magazine will go on sale Friday in mostly Muslim Indonesia but it won’t have any naked pictures of women. Uh, shouldn’t they be calling it a fashion magazine then? Indonesia already has versions of Maxim and FHM featuring scantily clad women. I’m confused. [CBS News]

--In other Playboy news, Jessica Alba is happy with Hugh Hefner again because he’s acknowledged the distress he caused her by printing her picture on the cover of Playboy without permission. Yay!!! Finally Jess can get back to posing in her bathing suit. It is spring. Playboy also donated money to two of the charities that Alba supports. [Fox News]

--Kate Moss has signed yet another contract--this time with Calvin Klein. Meanwhile, Pete Doherty claims that the two are planning a fall wedding in a posh Scottish castle. He sounds delusional. [The Sun]

---Matt LeBlanc filed for divorce from his hot model wife last week and already has a not so hot new girlfriend, Andrea Anders. She plays the neighbor on his sitcom, Joey. [People]

--Meredith Vieira is officially Katie Couric’s replacement on The Today Show. Maybe you knew that, but I bet you didn’t know that she wears pantyhose au natural because she finds wearing panties redundant. [TMZ]


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I'm trying to figure out who's wearing more makeup in that pic. Em or his white trash girl.

Don't know who Meredith Vieira is, but she's my kind of woman. Panties are redundant...

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