Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Fashion Accessory Du Jour

Part of: Cameron Diaz , Fashion , Fashion Accessory Du Jour , Hollywood , The Olsens
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The red clutch is in. Mary-Kate wore hers at a Balenciaga party this week that she attended with her sister, Ashley. Eva Mendes made her '80 inspired outfit pop with a tiny satin one at Fashion Rocks 2006. Cameron Diaz loves her Lanvin purse so much that she's worn it to multiple functions including the Rag & Bone's runway show. She's one of those rare stars that gets photographed wearing the same accessories and clothes multiple times like a normal person.

P.S. Ashley Olsen’s green plaid coat is from her new line: The Row.

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does anyone know what brand mary-kate's red clutch bag is?

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