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Druggie Food

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Gossip , Nicole Richie , Television
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I know some of you would love to go on The Junk Food Diet. How cool would it be to eat doughnuts and cookies all day and be tiny? Well, the only way to go on this diet and lose weight is to do certain drugs that make you lose your appetite. If you don't eat much for days, then you can eat junk food and not gain weight. Or you could eat one meal a day of junk food. I'm sure Nicole was buying food for her boytoy aka Joel Madden, so don't be alarmed. Nicole is more of a McDonalds kind of girl anyway. I suggest sticking to the Eat Half Of What's On Your Plate Diet. Below Nicole is carrying a healthy meal which I would recommend. You can eat all of the salad--just watch the dressing, but only eat half of the sandwich and take the other half to-go. FYI, Nicole does have one semi-healthy item that is nice to have when you're having a sweets craving: graham crackers.

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