Part of: Slice of LifeIt appears my stomach has turned into one of those “bad” stomachs that you hear old people/alcoholics complain about. I’ve become one of those annoyingly picky eaters (before I was an adventurous eater). I even tried Monkfish liver a couple of months ago at a sushi restaurant. It sounded really gross, but wasn’t bad. I don’t think I need to try it again, though.
I’ve known three people who were freakish eaters. An old friend of mine, R, was a vegan. It worked out though, because she wanted to be a chef and whipped up amazing homemade dishes for us. There were a few really yummy vegan/vegetarian restaurants around LA at the time. An acquaintance of mine, L, always orders sautéed veggies, but only certain kinds and they can’t be cooked in more than a dime-sized amount of olive oil. L says she has a very sensitive system. My friend, F, is a vegetarian but hates vegetables. He eats a lot of beige colored foods.
I can’t put myself with these freaks. Even worse, now I’m the date that only orders soup. This needs to stop. I will probably start acupuncture treatments this week to balance my system.