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Fat or Fiction?

Part of: Fashion , Food , LA , Seinfeld-esque , Slice of Life

I ran into an acquaintance, B, at my local coffeehouse today. She was wearing a fabulous tangerine-colored double breasted pea coat. B is always dressed to the 9’s. I admit, I was impressed she was so stylish at 10AM on a Sunday morning. I was wearing my usual coffeehouse attire: jeans and a black long sleeved shirt.

I usually try to always dress stylishly (like I used to in New York), but for certain activities, I definitely slack. At least I don’t own a pair of Ugg boots (so Malibu and Westside),the ubiquitous Juicy velour track suit, Michael Star’s top, or Abercrombie and Fitch cargo pants. My hair isn’t highlighted blonde every six weeks so I can achieve that California surfer girl look. I wouldn’t want to look like a Westside Barbie doll.

I was complimenting B’s coat and she revealed she had gotten it at Victoria’s Secret. Then she lamented about how her coat and Isaac Mitzrahi ensemble from Target were about two sizes less than her normal size. Generally, I believe 8-10 pounds is one dress size. What if you’re dieting, don’t own a scale, and only shop at Target, Victoria’s Secret and The Gap. I wonder if you could sue them for false advertising leading to false illusions of weight loss. Of course—you can sue anyone for anything in America.

B revealed, “I used to weight 30 more pounds than I do now. I was just a little rounder, but geez we shouldn’t promote fat in America. I learned how to eat better. Women should be losing weight, not feeling better about their fat because they can wear a size 18 at The Gap.”

“I can barely fit into Gap clothes anymore,” I admitted. “What about the men’s sizes?”

“Good point,” she said. “I have no idea.”

Recently a very vain acquaintance of mine admitted she was scared of fat people. It wasn’t that she was prejudiced against them, but was worried that she could be fat one day. I wonder if most people who are prejudiced against fat people feel this way. When I went to Disneyland last year, I found myself cringing at the amount of heavy and unkempt American tourists. I haven’t even been to the states where big people reign.

Edit: I started writing this entry before the Sunday New York Times article on legislating fat came out.

“In what is shaping up to be the great American food fight, there are two increasingly discordant sides. One insists that government must use its legislative power to slim down an increasingly obese nation. In this view, obesity, like smoking, has become a public health crisis and demands a public health solution. In state legislatures, anti-obesity advocates are pushing bills that would add sin taxes for sodas, require calorie counts on restaurant menus and ban "foods of minimum nutritional value" in schools (that means you, Sno-Kone).”

Now this is ridiculous. If they’re going to make laws, it should be about only having organic food and banning certain ingredients like NutraSweet. Also, we should be doing away with false advertising that makes people think SnackWell's are okay to eat because they have less fat.

Arkansas, Pennsylvania, California, Oregon and Massachusetts require schools to send home a weight report card. I wonder if sending parents weight report cards really has an impact. Isn’t this a tad paternalistic? If parents are lying to themselves about their kid’s weight problem, seeing the pounds on paper won’t help. A lot of times parents with fat kids are fat themselves.

People are also overweight for different reasons— it doesn’t always have to do with eating too much. I do agree with the article that nutritional information should be available for ever product. Some people really don’t understand how fattening and unhealthy certain foods are.

I would propose a law that requires all clothing companies to correctly size their clothes. I shouldn’t have to be scared of receiving my Victoria’s Secret order. I ordered my item in the lowest size available: (for that specific item) size 2. If it doesn’t fit me, I might put in a call into my lawyer.


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