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Last Night on “The O.C”

Part of: Television

I love “The O.C” and am not embarrassed to admit it. There are a few minor details I noticed last night that were irritating.

What’s up with Anna’s make-up? That actress is adorable. I know her style is quirky, but even her character would not be into having doll/80’s make-up all the time. The overly done blush thing can work, but Anna’s cheeks look like a cheap doll’s. Last night she had on pink lip gloss, those cheeks, and gobs of blue eye make-up. Her outfit matched her make-up. I think “The O.C’s” make-up artist needs to chill.

Beautiful Marissa looked like she had done drugs the day before. I’m not sure if it was a lighting problem, or a combination of make-up, wardrobe and lighting. Kirsten’s sister (am spacing out on her name right now) also looked dumpy.

Also, the guys were wearing completely bizarre outfits to the Rooney concert. No one looked indie rock, not even the extras.

When Kirsten and Sandy came back from Trader Joe’s (I could tell by the flowers and other packaging) they had two bunches of overly ripe bananas. Real people don’t buy two large bunches of bananas that will last a day or two. Maybe Kirsten was going to whip up a large batch of banana bread, but I seriously doubt it.

Particularly Good Things about Last Night’s Episode:

--Oliver looked pretty in pink. Wow, a guy who can pull off a pink shirt---that’s pretty sexy.

--Ryan is always is so fucking hot looking (and I’m not even a fan of blondes) and Summer’s beauty amazes me.

--Two different generations mentioning how great “The Golden Girls” were.

--Playing board games from the ‘80s

--Ryan not liking video games

--Ryan helping Oliver when he got busted for drugs. (Ryan—you can come to my rescue anytime.)


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