Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Movies of the Week and TV

Part of: Food , Hollywood , Television

Breakfast: eggs brava from the Novel Cafe

Restaurant: Not to sound too Cali, but I don't like MSG or greasy vegetables, so I don't like most Chinese food. However, I love Mao's Kitchen in Venice. It's also open until 3 AM Friday and Sat nights--a miracle. I love the green beans and lettuce cups.

BIG FISH--Magical realism done well by the master. Love how Tim Burton had such epic moments.

GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING--Proof that less is more.

THE LAST SAMURAI- Loved it, thought I'd hate it. I want to take up fencing again. Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise, but it didn't matter in this film. Why can't all action be this good? Guns suck.

IN AMERICA- Dreary, but good. Where's my Matteo?

The Tube

THE O.C--You all know I love this show, but this week there was a continuity error that irked me. While Anna and Seth were making out in his bed, there was a quarter of a Jenga game up. When Summer came in seconds later, the entire Jenga puzzle was made up, and she smashed it. I almost never notice things like this, so if I am, it's a problem.

Also, the costume designer needs to chill out. It's great that the kids can wear whatever they want, but the wacky clothes are starting to overstage them. It's too bad that Patricia Fields started this trend with "Sex and the City". A little wackiness goes a long way...

Arrested Development--I love, love this show. If you aren't watching it, start. The only problem is that it takes about three episodes to get into it, because it's so arty. But it's totally worth it.

Malcolm in the Middle: Before Arrested Development. This is another one of my favorite shows. I was so excited to get the complete first season on DVD for a holiday gift.

What else do I watch on a regular basis? Six Feet Under, Sex and the City, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld. Most TV sucks, so I'm super-picky.

I like Cheese (MOTW): I Want to Marry Ryan Banks


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