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a.m. homes

Part of: Literati

Writer A.M Homes:

“The French painter Henri Matisse used to look at his early work and lament a certain aspect of it—there was something in every painting that bothered him. At a particular point, he realized that what he was seeing was Matisse. In biology, metamorphosis is an alteration in form as well as growth. In true metamorphosis, one changes while becoming. The struggle for change is perhaps best taken as a struggle for acceptance. In order to change, you must first accept what is you.”

Tiffany Speaks: I haven't read Homes latest book, but I was impressed with "The Safety of Objects." The movie adaptation was recently in the theatres, but I haven't seen it. I read a few of her books years ago. I did read her last book, "Music For Torching". It was okay, but I'm still glad I read it. I think Homes is better with short stories. I will definitely buy her new book of short stories.


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