Breakfast At Tiffany's




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The English Bitch Returns

Part of: LA , Literati

Breakfast: cinnamon roll and half of a chocolate chip pancake

I don't understand why copy editors can't all agree on how to spell cell phone/cell-phone/cellphone and Farmers' Market/Farmer's Market/Farmers Market. It's annoying to see variations of these two words in the same publication and often in the same section. I am not a copy editor and it's obvious. However, isn't it logical that cellular phone would be shortened to cell phone and not cellphone? The market belongs to the farmers so wouldn't it be Farmers' Market? And what about caps vs. no caps? I know a few copy editors read my site, so feel free to g-mail me. BTW: I could be talking out of my ass.

Keifel writes:

"in one of my many career moves i worked as a copy editor and you're right about the cell phone and Farmers' Market, the caps are optional depending on the actual name of the market; ie LA farmers' market or The Farmers' Market."
hope that helps. i too could be wrong, i'm basing my comments on the style rules of the paper i worked for."

Deep Thoughts Du Jour:

I really believe that Nip/Tuck is one of the best written shows on TV right now. The acting is great, too.


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