Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Worst Huffington Post Ever

Part of: Hollywood , Literati

[Breakfast: iced-blended soy green tea latte]

For the many tweenage readers of The Huffington Post and those of you who aren't familiar with pop culture of the '90s, Ms. Andrea Harner has posted an excerpt from the movie Reservoir Dogs (1992) on tipping. But wait! Her copy-and-paste post was actually via hint of sarcasm (that wasn't a joke--hint of sarcasm is a blog). Perhaps Ms. Harner is from a different country or a commune and has never seen Reservoir Dogs before. If not, let's hope that she gets hip to the concept of blogging original material or at least commenting on the stale quotes that she links.

P.S. last post is finished. Stay tuned for "Breakfast at Barney's- Part 2"


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