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Heidi Klum is a Bitch

Part of: Television

DK and I watched "Project Runway: The Reunion" last night and "Project Jay". The reunion show was OK. That chick Guadalupe was on some weird drugs. Why would you go to a taping like that high? And if you were going to go high, wouldn’t you take a drug that you’d be able to act relatively normal on like cocaine or pot. The other bizarro moment was when Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn asked Daniel Franco if he was going to come back for "Project Runway’s" third season. Daniel just sat there for a minute with a weird glazed look on his face. Then he said, "I love you, Heidi." There was another awkward pause while we all digested the fact that Daniel was obviously obsessed with Heidi Klum.

I was expecting to enjoy making fun of egomaniac Jay McCarroll on "Project Jay". I mean wasn’t he supposed to have a whole season of his show and now there was only one episode? How sad. I also thought that he was stupid for not accepting the Banana Republic apprenticeship and $100K prize money. So I was like, bring it on! Instead, "Project Jay" ended up being a drama tragedy, and I almost cried at the end. Jay surrounded himself with the wrong business people and he got a back operation that probably made his back worse. He also went through all of this stress designing a dress for Heidi Klum to wear at the Golden Globes and then she didn’t even wear it.

Jay’s idea was to design a dress around Heidi’s signature clover jewelry. She insisted in a Teletubby voice that the dress be "fire engine red--hot mama on fire!" though Jay wasn’t too keen on the idea. But he had a dream of Tim Gunn saying "Make it work!" and decided to power on. Not really. When Jay originally told his publicist that he wasn’t sure that he wanted to do the dress--the idea was making him ill since he wasn’t an evening wear designer--she told him, "Well, I’m a little sick now that you’re reacting this way….this is a really good PR opportunity and doesn’t bode well for our future together if you’re getting sick at these opportunities." WTF? Jay was clearly having a mini freak out from nervousness and was mistakenly talking to his publicist like she was a good friend. (It’s a publicist job to act like they’re your BFF, but don’t ever believe them.) In another segment, there was a run-in with Wendy Pepper at Austin Scarlett’s fashion show that was one of those awkward 'real' moments that you never see on reality shows. Wendy admitted to Jay that her marriage had fallen apart due to her fame. I think she probably meant due to her infamy. Even the hardcore Wendy Pepper haters had to feel sorry for her during that moment.

"Project Jay" made me really loathe Heidi Klum. It’s not like she comes off as endearing on "Project Runway," but now I realize that she’s a real selfish bitch. She had a Bravo producer call Jay and break the news to him that she wasn’t going to wear his dress just as one of Kara Saun’s dress miracle workers, Tommy, was putting the finishing touches on it. He and Jay had been holed up for two days working on the dress. The reason that the producer gave was that Heidi’s people had decided that she needed to go with an Earth Mama image. I’m glad that after his meltdown, Jay still went to the Emmys with Kara Saun and showed off his new haircut. Heidi did end up calling Jay, but she may has well have shot him in the head:

Heidi: "I wanted to call you and say I’m sorry."
Jay: "Yeah, me too."
Heidi: "I was not the easiest customer. You know, six days after giving birth, I guess."
Jay: "Yeah."
Heidi: "…so I thought I just had to go with what looks best on me in that moment."
Jay: "Yes, I understand."
Heidi: "It’s good to just think about something positive! You have a fashion show coming up soon."
Jay: "Yes…you’ll be there?"
(Long pause)
Heidi: "….I’ll definitely try."
Jay: "OK."
Heidi: "Be good, Jay."

Oh, Heidi had better things to do in February like hanging out in Mexico relaxing. I guess it doesn’t matter since Jay’s collection never showed during New York fashion week. No matter what a bitch Jay has been post "Project Runway", he didn’t deserve for Heidi to treat him that badly. So, Heidi, in true "Project Runway" fashion, you’re out.


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Yeah, I saw project jay last night and even though he's a drama queen I still love him. Heidi's a real b**** for making them go through that and I hope she gets hit by a bus!

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