Fashion Friday--Baggy Pants Trend
Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , Kate Moss , Paris Hilton , Rachel Bilson

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We've all been told by fashion magazines and blogs that skinny trousers and jeans are the only pants that look 'now'. Fashion icon Kate Moss has been photographed several times in the past couple of weeks wearing baggy pants. Now that everyone else has caught on to the skinny trouser trend, Kate needs to ditch it and start a new trend. Madonna has shorn her hair (or is it a wig?) and is wearing baggy trousers--probably because they're more flattering for her ultra muscular legs. Rachel Bilson favors tights and apparently baggy trousers over tight ones. I hope that I don't have to put her on 'Ana Alert'. Rachel looks like a scruffy band boy in the above picture. Paris Hilton would say: That's so not hot. These women all prove that you don’t have to wear the skinnies to be fashion forward.