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My Diary-- 14 Years Old---Part 5 (final excerpt)

Part of: Literati , Trick Or Treat

Breakfast: toasted sesame bagel with vegetable cream cheese and 4 dove promises (dark chocolates)

I found one of my old diaries at my parents' house the other day. I think it's pretty safe to say that at least my mom has read it. I will be posting a few more of these before going back to regular programming. I haven't written anything personal in a while, so I've decide to share this--eek. All names have been changed.

Dear Diary,

Well…Chris ended up going to Monterey. Rebecca and I basically did nothing this whole weekend. On Friday night we ordered pizza and the delivery boy was cute. On Saturday we went to the beach and “Jeep” guy was there. I talked to Terra and we had an interesting conversation. Rebecca and I made up a story of what we did this weekend to tell Chris and Paul. Friday night we went to Cain’s party in Sherman Oaks. We spend the night there and on Saturday we went to my house and went in the spa, and then Cain drove us to Santa Barbara to his friend’s house. His friend Zack goes to UCSB and he lives in a beach house with five other guys. He has a party; we spend the night there and go on his parents’ boat in the morning. Then Cain drives us home. Good story, eh?

I have no idea what I’m doing for Halloween. I’ll probably do something with Terra. Well hopefully I’ll get to talk to Chris tonight. Oh…Paul’s getting a Porsche, isn’t that cool? This weekend was really cool. I can’t wait until I see Chris. He asked me if I wanted to come to Monterey with him!

Dear Diary,

I’m depressed. I try not to out myself down but I must be pretty ugly. Pretty girls have boyfriends it’s as simple as that. Why can’t any guy I like, like me back? I really like Chris but I think he only likes me as a friend. After school today I saw his car so I went over and there was this girl who wasn’t pretty in the front seat. He said I couldn’t have a ride.

I still really like Chris. Oh well…why do I ever think that a guy will like me back? I’m really stupid.

Bye, Bye

Dear Diary,

Let’s see…I have so much to say…First, Chris has a girlfriend. Her name is Melissa and she really isn’t that pretty. Chris is going to Olympic now ‘cause he missed so many school days at regular high school. He got a haircut. It’s so cute! It’s only shorter. I obviously still really like him. Last night I talked to him on the phone. He asked me if my mom thought he was a kook. Like why does he care what my parents think of him. If he didn’t have a girlfriend I’d swear that he liked me. I talked to him today outside of his house. He said he’d call me tonight but he’ll probably forget. Anyways if he was my boyfriend what would I do? I wouldn’t really want my parents to know “cuz,” I don’t know. They’d be all protective and they’d watch me really carefully. They don’t realize that I’m going to do what I want. I mean I can have sex whenever I want. If I want to go out on a date I will somehow. I mean why can’t I date my boyfriend? It’s dumb. I’ll let my daughter date a 16 year old or 17-year-old when she’s 14. Parents just don’t understand. I wish that Chris would break up with his dumb girlfriend!


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