Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Annoying Bitch Poll

Part of: Hollywood , Paris Hilton , Scarlett Johansson


Breakfast: 2 milk chocolate foil hearts from See's

Most Annoying I-Think-I'm Beyond-Hot- Actress Poll

The results so far are:

Catherine Zeta Jones: 23%
Sarah Michelle Gellar: 7%
Scarlett Johansson: 4%
Paris Hilton: 66%

I've decided to open this poll to readers outside of Journalspace. Please e-mail me at to participate. Final results will be posted in a week.

A reader writes BAT:

"Hi, Tiffany. Please don't use my name. I just like to remain in the background. (You can tell I'm nobody right now because you've never heard of me. Ha!) I enjoy reading your blog because it's often times witty and to the point. This is a response to the "I think I'm hot" poll. The only thing I find annoying about this shit is how obvious the formula is. In other words, "I'm bitchy and full of myself" has turned into a money machine for the women in question. It's all about the money and the testosterone that pays for it. Our country is in a sad state of affairs right now, not because of the President, but of the way the media handles the American mind. These women don't make any real contribution to society on a public level, only for themselves and their bank account. If they do give to any charities or move people to promote peace, that's what I would like to hear about, not stupid sex videos or how much they're getting paid for their next film. The reason I would not give any one of these women top billing in your poll, is because they are all equally forgettable until someone brings up their name again. Thanks for reading this."

Joe writes:

"1 giant vote for Paris Hilton, owner of two facial expressions and a never ending need for attention."


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