Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Part of: Travel

[Breakfast: Think Thin! peanut butter bar]

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DK reverted back to Britspeak when we were in London which was a tad confusing. I could have used an English tutorial on the plane in preparation. Next time I’ll fly British Airways. British Airways has a smart new advertising campaign addressing this issue. However, they only have English words and not necessary English phrases as of yet such as, "Can I bum a fag?" Translation: Can I have a cigarette? They’re also missing a few words like the slang for policeman "The Fuzz" and "The Old Bill". They do include one of my favorite words, "Snog" Translation: kiss.

Robin Hayes, executive vice president, British Airways, The Americas gives some flawed and accurate advice in this press release, "Someone planning a London holiday could rent films like 'The Full Monty,' or 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' to try and get a handle on the nuances of British slang."

I read this outloud to DK and he laughed, " ‘The Full Monty’ was set in northern England, which is a completely different language from London." DK approved of "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" since it takes place in East London. He’s also a fan of the film.

Since no one is paying me for writing this or giving me a free flight to London on British Airways, I must admit that I don’t have a flying preference to London since I’ve only flown Virgin there. But DK did say that British Airways serves scones and clotted cream. That might push me over the edge.


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