Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Rome Was Not Built By The Brits

Part of: Television

[Breakfast: the same as yesterday]

I've deeply ruminated over the fact that the entire cast of the HBO series "Rome" seem to possess English and Scottish accents. Last time I checked, Rome was in Italy. (Really, they should call the series "Roma" like the Italians do, but that's a minor technicality.) Why would HBO ignore that Italians have always had Italian accents? Yes, they do speak Italian in Rome as well as the rest of Italy. I thought that British actors were generally better trained than American actors, so why can't they pull of an Italian accent? Perhaps they can and HBO is just assuming that most Americans are stupid and think that all foreign accents are the same. It's a shame.

Blog Post Du Jour: ASSISTANT/ATLAS gives an insider's take on why Cameron Diaz' agents hate her.


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