Down And Out In Mexico - Part 1
Part of: Travel[Breakfast: 2 piña coladas and huevos rancheros]
Hola from Mexico. So yes, I am in Mexico on holiday and am writing — not a usual occurrence. If I could be disciplined enough to go to a tanning salon before this trip (something I’ve never done before) I can do some blogging. Speaking of tanning salons----those places are très weird. I’m convinced that chronic artificial tanners are aliens. Why would anyone get addicted to looking like a piece of burned Wonder bread toast? A pale natural redhead I know admitted that she had tanorexia so badly that an acquaintance once remarked that it was odd that a black person was Jewish. That person was totally ignorant and maybe bipolar, but still. Speaking of “Bi-Polar”, funnily enough that was the name of my tanning accelerator. It seemed to work even though it smells like bubble gum and has totally ‘80s packaging, all turquoise with scary font (you know the kind) proclaiming that it’s “a shivering bronzer”. I found out that’s how it got its name cause it’s warm and cold at the same time, not exactly the textbook definition of bipolar. I think I’ll look that up because it reminds me of writing papers where I actually used a word definition to prove a point or something---pretty juvenile. Wow…Mexico is so beautiful. It’s sunset right now and our room has a full ocean view. After seeing a sunset here I’m always positive that when I get back to LA, I’ll watch the sunset at least 2x a week but I don’t. DK and I are in the middle of nowhere on the Pacific side of the country, but I can’t say where for security reasons. Last time we were here there was no cell phone connection, but now, sadly there is. DK’s Blackberry works. I left my cell phone off at home. Ahh…I must return later. DK wants me to join him in our plunge pool.