Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Part of: Gossip , Literati , Stoned!

--Actor Chris Penn (brother of Sean Penn) is dead at 43. It’s weird ‘cause I actually know where he lived.

-Richard Johnson from Page Six is coming up with a glossy version of his infamous gossip column, but it will have lots more juicy stuff like a feature on Victoria's Secret models, with pictures from a [catalogue] shoot. I guess they want some heterosexual male readers. [via Mediabistro/WWD]

--Singer Avril Lavigne has signed up with Ford Models. She thinks modeling is easy. Darling, you need to catch up on ANTM. [Female First]

--Telling women how to wear leggings is just wrong.. Leggings should get no love. They should only be worn while working out or lazing around your abode. [The Sun]

--Are Madonna and Guy Ritchie on the outs? I heard Madonna say in a recent interview "it’s hard to balance children and work." I do believe that someone was missing from that sentence. [Female First]


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