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Inside Man on the Red Carpet

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , NYC

My inside man allegedly witnessed a few wacky things while walking the red carpet at "Inside Man" premiere this week. The red carpet at a film premiere often turns into a zoo, but someone must have spiked gossip columnist's Cindy Adam's pre-red carpet martini, because she was acting like a crazed fan. Adams was hording celebrities. I guess her yappy dog told her do it. Adams wrenched celebs away from their on-camera interviews. She must be working out. I wonder if Liz would approve? Adams' dog also whispered to her that it was OK to stroke Denzel Washington's less than taut cheek. Cindy, you might want to stop acting like a creepy aunt. I don't think those celebrities will be buying your book anytime soon. Spike Lee wasn't exactly ecstatic when a celebrity news reporter handed him a cupcake for his birthday. How cute is it that his film premiere was on the same night as his birthday? The WTF is up with that actor award goes to James Ransone. Ransone's red carpet behavior was erratic. In between interviews, a pale Ransone was seen running around and shouting loudly while Clive Owen was trying to do his interviews. I guess he was jealous or maybe has a crush on the super hot star. Ransone needs to lay off whatever he was on.


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