Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Part of: Hollywood , Literati , Sparkly

[Breakfast: a blueberry scone from Rockenwagner's Bakery]

"There are certain shades of limelight that can wreck a girl's complexion."

--Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's

What I'm reading:

A Moveable Feast--Ernest Hemingway
Shopaholic Ties the Knot--Sophie Kinsella

One of my favorite books:

Franny and Zooey--J.D. Salinger

One of my favorite books of stories about L.A:

Squandering the Blue--Kate Braverman

Last two movies I watched:

The Last Picture Show (bleak and traumatizing, but good)
13 Going on 30--(very cute)

A song I can't get out of my head:

"Kind of Light"--The 88

Last thing I had to eat:

Miso soup with noodles, tofu and scallion

Adjective I'm surprised people use to describe me:


A question people frequently ask me:

How did you get invited to that party, etc.?

(I'll have to add that to BAT FAQ)

Angela writes:

Isn't Moveable Feast great! I read it last year before I went to Paris. I bought it after watching City of Angels. (It's the book Nicholas Cage leaves on Meg Ryan's nightstand.)

Robofrost writes

You are enigmatic, TAS.

THE LAST PICTURE SHOW is on my list of top 20 films of all time -- it's simply fantastic, and once-in-a-lifetime lightning-in-a-bottle for its key talent.

Tony writes:

Enigmatic, huh? There's a line in one of Tom Robbins' fabulous novels that goes something like "munching on the foot of the enigma." Don't know why I would even bother to connect the two.


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