Breakfast At Tiffany's




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« Marilyn Monroe vs. Stupid, Delusional Girls | Home | Girls on Bikes »


Part of: Fashion , Hollywood , Music , Stoned! , Television

Ah!! What a cute, ugly/slutty couple Dave Navarro and Jenna Jameson make. Thank God that Dave has a new suitable girlfriend to borrow clothes and makeup from.

After 20 years of being on the wagon, Robin Williams has fallen off. However, he's admitted himself into rehab. Too bad that people like Mel Gibson can't show similar maturity.

Victoria's Secret "The Body" bra was named after Heidi Klum. Didn't you know that "The Body" was one of her nicknames? The nickname "The Body" replaced the nickname "Muffin." Didn't you know that she always used to stuff her face with muffins? That's how she stayed so skinny at the beginning of her modeling career, duh!


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