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Marilyn Monroe vs. Stupid, Delusional Girls

Part of: Hollywood , Lindsay Lohan , Literati , Paris Hilton

“I think every decade has an iconic blonde — like Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana — and right now, I’m that icon.”--Paris Hilton (The Times UK)

"I wanted to do what Marilyn Monroe did (during the Korean War), when she went and just set up a stage and did a concert for the troops all by herself."--Lindsay Lohan (Elle)

"Casey has already picked out the baby's name: Ava-Monroe, after Marilyn , who has long been her idol. 'I see a lot of similarities, between us, ' Casey says. 'Her life makes me sad. I don't think she was very happy. She was just very, very complicated and sort of a deep person, and nobody realized that. They thought she was a dumb blonde, and she wasn't. She was a smart, smart broad. And I think that sometimes people look at me and think, Oh, Casey Johnson, she's stupid, she's blonde, she's and heiress, blah, blah, blah.'"--Casey Johnson (Vanity Fair)


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