Breakfast At Tiffany's




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"Not Ana" Alert

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , Music

[Breakfast: a soy chai latte and mini-muffins from Caffe Luxxe]

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I'm so proud of Hilary Duff for gaining some weight after admitting that she felt pressured to be too thin. Her face doesn't look gaunt anymore and she looks younger. Maybe she got so thin from dating Joel Madden? There's no way that he doesn't do a load of drugs considering that he's with Nicole Richie. I bet that's why he and Hil broke up.

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Sorry, but who is Ana? I know the name is attributed to women who are extremely skinny , but who's the original "Ana"? Thanx.

ya, she's gained weight. But she looks just fine to me. (not that you didnt already say that :)

I think she is too cute! I am so glad that she is being responsible for her health and body. I felt pretty sad when she became painfully thin a short while ago. It just wasn't her ya know? Ana, is just a short (internet based, in my opinion) term for anorexia.

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