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Brad Pitt Does Not Heart Vanity Fair

Part of: Brangelina , Gossip , Hollywood , Literati
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I can understand why Brad Pitt is upset about his 'unauthorized ' Vanity Fair cover. It's a bad picture with bad lighting. It doesn't even look like him. I know it's supposed to be 'arty' but there's a difference between good art and bad art. The picture to the right that was taken in December 2001 is much better. All of Brad's past Vanity Fair covers are better. However, Vanity Fair would not have printed the picture without a signed release by Brad. Seriously, like they would want to piss off one of the biggest movie stars in the world. BTW: Why would Brad Pitt get all upset over one picture when he has much more important things to do like saving the world and hanging out with Angelina, Shiloh, Zahara and Maddox? Brad might want to study yoga or meditation while he's in India.

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