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Fashion Friday: Feeling Fat or Too Skinny?

Part of: Ashlee Simpson , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , Television
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Marc Jacobs fall 2006 collection was all about layers, so it's not surprising that some stars have tried to copy this look. However, it seems like most people dress like Ashley, Katherine Heigl, and Madonna when they're feeling fat or too skinny. The Marc Jacobs outfit that skin and bones model Snejana is wearing above (right) is a look that Angelina favors. Trench coats are a great way to hide your bones. If you're overweight (or feel fat) I don't recommend wearing double breasted jackets or coats. You could wear a coat like Snejana's. The long cardigans that Katherine and Ashley are wearing should be worn over something leaner so you don't look like a snowman. A baggy skirt paired with a fitted top is also a more flattering look. Madonna is appropriately layered for the gym--let's hope that's where she was coming from.

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