Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Congratulations, Andy Garcia!!

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood
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OMG, Andy Garcia got married at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France, May 24, 2007, and then took his wife to attend the gala screening of Steven Soderbergh's film Ocean's Thirteen. See his best man/ bodyguard trailing behind him? I don't understand why his wife didn't have a better hairstyle or why her dress doesn't really fit, but I guess she's just psyched to be married to Andy Garcia.

J/K. That chick is most likely one of his three daughters. I guess that she really wants to get married.


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I'm sorry but I guess I just don't get your sense of humour. Are you being ironic? Andy is with his daughter Daniella. She is 19 years old and looks perfectly lovely. Don't tell me someone has made a law to say we all must dress the way you think and I missed it.

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