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Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Literati , Politics

I've heard Arianna Huffington say some wacky things first hand but find it hard to believe that she'd threaten George Clooney. In case you haven't noticed, almost everything that Clooney says in the press is sarcastic in nature. The following is what he confided in Lloyd Grove of the New York Daily News:

"She [Arianna Huffington] said some things that I won't share, but she did tell me that this could be bad for me - bad for my career. Well, screw you!"

Hmm...sounds sarcastic except for that last bit. Clooney also told Grove:

"Nobody has ever written an op-ed piece for me. If I say I've written something, I've written it. When I go to the Oscars, I write everything I say...I stand by what I do, but I'm very cautious not to take giant steps onto soapboxes because I think they're polarizing."

Granted he sounds very pissed off there. At one point, Clooney also said that he felt abused. I hope he didn't mean in an Isaac Mizrahi/Golden Globes kind of way, because that would mean business.

For someone who loves famous people as much as Arianna does, I don't know why she'd want to royally piss off a guy like Clooney who is at the top of the Hollywood food chain. Now she'll never get invited to Brangelina's wedding.


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Clooney in a Huff


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