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Nicole Richie is Tres Dull

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Gossip , Nicole Richie , Rant

Nicole Ritchie even thinks that she's too skinny. I don't believe her, because she always wears clothes that flaunt her bones.

She told Vanity Fair magazine:

"I know I'm too thin right now, so I wouldn't want any young girl looking at me and saying, 'That's what I want to look like.'"

I'm yawning right now. Nicole goes on to admit that she has a problem, but doesn't admit to what that problem is.

"I started seeing a nutritionist and a doctor... I do recognize that I have a problem, and I want to be responsible and fix it, and I'm on that path right now."

However, one of her doctors says what the problem is in a backhanded way.

"If it's not anorexia, she should be able to gain the weight. If it ends up being anorexia we can help her with that."

Boring. The sad thing is that if Nicole Richie gained weight no one would care about her anymore. She's just as famous for doing nothing as Paris Hilton. But Nicole seems to do a lot less than Paris and still gets photographed all the time. Nicole doesn't have a movie career. Sure she wrote a book, but did she write it herself? I doubt it. It's not really fair that she got into The Vanity Fair Oscars party this year and Paris didn't. I can't believe I'm defending Paris. Nicole always seemed like the cool one on "The Simple Life" because she said whatever she wanted and she was spunky. Now she could be any anorexic model, actress, whatever. There have been rumors that she wants a recording career. She's not a biological Richie though, so her chances of having a great voice are slim. I'm just so bored with the girl. I hope she gets help.

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