Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Paradise Cove: Where Romance and Onions Bloom

Part of: Brangelina , Britney , Gossip , Hollywood , Jessica Simpson , LA , Music , Trick Or Treat

[Breakfast: a chocolate chip pumpkin muffin]

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Love is in the air (or in the drinks) at Paradise Cove Cafe in Malibu. Jessica Simpson and John Mayer were staring into each other's eyes while sneaking bites of onion blossoms from an extra large martini glass that all the tourists at PCC order so they can become fat enough to audition for The Biggest Loser.

“She didn’t eat much,” a witness says. “She drank double vodka cranberries. When they got up, Jessica was rubbing his back. You could definitely tell they were on a date.” Mayer left a $40 tip on the $100 bill. [Source]

Yeah, that's right. It's not the place to go if you're trying to keep things OTDL and there's no way that either of them had more than a few of those fried onions. There's something else that doesn't look quite right. Um, the picture taken inside of the restaurant was obviously set-up. The management and/or bodyguards wouldn't have allowed the paps inside or else there would be similar photos of Brangelina, Britney & K-Fed, and Cindy Crawford. Jessica and John's romance is clearly for publicity. It's helping John's album sales and Jess' public image since she is about to start shooting Blonde Ambition.

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