Rachel McAdams Age Watch -- Part 2
Part of: Gossip , Hollywood[Breakfast: cinnamon apple oatmeal. Fresh apple juice]
I'm not the only one who has found Rachel McAdams' age to be inconsistent. Everyone in Hollywood knows that there's a Hollywood age and real life age. At some point, Rachel had really bad representation who gave her real age (or barely shaved off age) to IMDB.
The Notebook star Rachel McAdams' age has come into question following a series of differing opinions about the year she was born. The actress lists her age as 28, but People magazine unearthed a profile of the star, which lists her as being 29 in 2005. Her then-publicist complained about the write-up and Details, the U.S. magazine behind the profile, agreed to run a correction. But movie site IMDB.com refused to budge, and still claims the actress was born in October, 1976 - making her 30. Sources tell People that it's "no secret among the producers" that she shaves a couple years off her age in interviews, but her representative states, "Her birthday is inaccurately reported. She is 28 years old."
I don't know why her rep is making such a big deal about her age. It's not like Rachel has graduated from starlet to star or ever will.
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Not so Random Thoughts
"It's not like Rachel has graduated from starlet to star or ever will."
You're kidding, right? EVERYONE wants to work with McAdams. New Line gave her script and co-star approval because they wanted her for "The Time Traveler's Wife" so badly. She's currently filming "The Return" for Lionsgate (written and directed by Neil Burger - "The Illusionist). She turned down "The Devil Wears Prada," "MI3," "Casino Royale, and "Get Smart," among other films.
Posted by: Joyce Tyler | May 23, 2007 06:31 PM
how hard is it to just see what year she graduated high school or what year she entered kindergarten? why can't anyone in the press go to a library in canada and flip through a yearbook?
Posted by: willam | May 24, 2007 09:27 AM