Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Music

[Breakfast: two veggie links and a small vanilla chip egg from See's. Tropical Green tea]

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TMZ reports that Jennifer Hudson was supposed to sing for Starbucks shareholders at their annual meeting, but due to diva-like demands her performance was nixed. However, Jennifer claims that her agent was the demanding one, not her. Part of the demands were:

"...five town cars for herself, hair and makeup artists, security and her assistant. But wait, there's more. Humidifiers were part of the backstage demands.

But the final straw came when Hudson's William Morris agent notified Starbucks: Hudson would need baked CHICKEN WINGS at 10:00 AM.

We're told at that point, Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz had enough and pulled the plug because he didn't like the way the agent was dealing with his people.

I know that Jennifer doesn't want to have a reputation as a diva, but if she did blame these demands on her agent then that's pathetic. An agent represents their client and now Jennifer's agent is not making her fee from the Starbucks deal. As far as the listed demands go: Five town cars--too many. Humidifiers backstage to help Jennifer's vocals is not overly demanding. Baked chicken wings at 10:00 AM could be demanding, but I don't find the request to have protein in the morning strange. Anyway, I'm over Jennifer Hudson. She's boring.


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